Various Tips for Sensual Massage
Sensual massage does not entail the same boundaries as other types of massage. While you might feel more comfortable giving a back massage, for example, you probably would not be allowed to touch an earlobe. However, since both of you are involved in a sexual relationship, the rules that apply in erotic massage do not apply to sensual massage, at least not yet. So you need to learn a few basic sensual massage techniques first, so what you’re doing feels amazing to the other person.
The first thing to remember when performing sensual massage is that it is not a form of sexual stimulation. Rather, it’s designed to create an emotional bond between you and your partner through the exchange of physical and mental signals. Since you are engaging in self-conscious breathing and relaxation, you can use that as a subtle way of telling your partner that you feel good about what he/she is experiencing.
Let’s take a look at some other ways to build intimacy in your relationship. You can touch and caress each other from the neck down, using your hands, your voice, or even your body movements.
If you have space, you can even lie down and share a pillow. Just remember to keep the physical contact to a minimum, as that will be too much information for your partner to absorb. Build your sensual massage instead of feelings and thoughts, on your breathing and relaxing, on how it feels to be with your partner, on the sensations you feel as you touch and stroke each other.
The next step is to set the mood for your session. Depending on your preferences, you could either start with light playful flirting or go full-force with a romantic, erotic, or sexual touching experience. There are many sensual massage techniques for couples that involve erotic touching.
It’s also important to know that you can get started on sensual massage London techniques even if you’re new to intimate contact between two people. If you haven’t tried any of these sensual techniques before, a simple exploration of a couple of massage parlors might be just what the doctor ordered. Professional massage therapists offer a variety of different intimate services. A professional massage therapist who specializes in sensual massage could very well be the person who can help you transition from casual dating to becoming intimate with your significant other.
If you want to make the most of your time spent with your spouse or partner, sensual massage can provide the perfect backdrop to encourage intimacy. Sensual massaging is best done with your hands and with your entire body.
The combination of gentle touch with your partner’s inner thighs, abdomen, back, arms, neck, shoulders, and buttocks will stimulate a natural response from your lover. The more you focus on your partner’s body during your intimate moments, the easier it will be for them to relax and let their tension go.