What Can You Expect to Gain From Oral Appliance Therapy?
Oral appliance therapy involves the use of a device that’s inserted into the mouth when you retire for the evening. The purpose of the appliance is to allow for more air to pass in and out. This in turn regulates your breathing and makes it easier to enjoy a better quality of sleep. Thanks to oral appliance therapy, you stand to gain quite a bit. Here are some examples of what to expect.
Feeling More Energetic When You Wake Up
Many people who try these appliances find that the quality of their sleep improves at once. Instead of feeling worn out when they wake up, they feel more energetic. It’s easier to get out of bed, prepare for the day, and continue to have energy as the day progresses.
While using this type of appliance won’t transform you into a morning person, it can make it possible to function without feeling as if the only thing you want to do is go back to bed. People who need to be up and running early on will appreciate the fact that there’s the energy to get things done.
An Improved Mood and Temperament
Poor sleep has a direct impact on your mood. You’re likely to feel irritated by things that used to never be worth noticing. When the lack of sleep is severe, you may find yourself snapping at people for no apparent reason. The amount of damage this can do to your relationships with family, friends, and coworkers can be significant.
Once you begin to use the appliance, sleep will come easier and be more restful. The result is that you can begin the day in a better frame of mind, not fly off the handle at every little thing, and enjoy being around people again.
Easier to Concentrate
One of the benefits you will notice early on is that your powers of concentration are back. When you were not getting enough recuperative sleep, tasks at work were getting more difficult to complete. The same was true with tasks around the house; you simply could not stay focused long enough to manage things within a reasonable amount of time.
Thanks to the oral appliance therapy, that has changed. Tasks at work are once again easier to manage. At home, you no longer have to work hard to focus on getting things like paying bills or cleaning the kitchen done. At the end of the day, you can look back and be happy with what was accomplished.
Less Fatigue in The Afternoon
It’s not unusual for anyone to experience a slight dip in energy by the middle of the afternoon. For most people, a short break with something good to drink will provide what’s needed to finish out the day. People who don’t get restful sleep tend to experience more severe dips.
Once you commence with the therapy, don’t be surprised if still have some energy in the afternoon. While a quick break will likely help revitalize you, the fact that you’re sleeping well makes it all the easier to keep going.
Why allow poor sleep to interfere with the other parts of your life? Talk with a medical professional today and find out what’s causing your sleep to be disturbed. It could be that making use of an oral appliance will be the ideal solution.