Boxing is an exciting sport that attracts a huge crowd when there are events. Millions of people tune to broadcasting channels for a major boxing bout, apart from the mammoth crowds that fill the arenas. As a fan of one of the oldest sporting activities, youcanmake money by betting on the events. We will introduce you to betting on boxing events and what you need to know tobe good at it.
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Betting on Boxing
Although more people are betting on other sporting events, fans still wager on global boxing events. The difference is due to the frequency of boxing events compared to othersports like basketballorsoccer.
However, boxing matches are lucrativeand have high stakes to them. Youcan read more about global boxing events and know what to expect in the sport’s calendar. It will help you see the developmentleading to a match and what factors will play arole in the event. Below are tips to help with betting on boxing;
Know the Sports
Boxing involves two opponents who are in a ring for several rounds to determine the winner. It is similar to martial arts, and the fighters will compete depending on their weight. A boxer will use gloves on their fists tohit the opponent and score points. The score dependson where the boxer hits and if the opponent could not defend themselves or continue with the match. Also, when a fighter gets a hard punch that knocks them down, they undergoa count to determine if they cancontinue, resultingin a win.
The Categories
There is a difference betweenamateur and professional boxing. The amateur categories can have young boxers under 18tocompete. Still,inthe professional class,itallows thosewho attain 18 years and above. Theformer classmainly acts as a ground for the boxers to go professional. When betting, it is advisable to wageron professional boxing events thanamateur leagues.
The WBA, WBO, IBF, and WBC are the governing bodies ofinternational boxing. Each isindependent and ranks boxers differently.Professionalboxing has 17 categories depending on the weight offighters. The minimumweight is 48 kgs, while the heavyweight has no limit. On the other hand, fifteen categories lie between the minimum and maximum requirements. Therefore, there are severalevents to consider when bettingon boxing.
Betting Options
There are several optionsforbetting on boxing. It is more extensive than other sports, and it is why you need to start betting on it if you are yet to start. Some of the options to consider staking on include;
- The Winner; entails predicting the boxer who will win the fight regardlessof the roundsittakesor type of win. You can analyze the two fighters to determine the favorite to win the battle. However, the odds arelikely to be lower than the other betting options. Still, different betting companies will have differences in the odds. Youcan select the one with the highest amount to get a higher return onyour stakes.
The total fight rounds; a professionalboxing match will have 12 rounds, andyou can bet on the number of rounds itmay last. There are different values to the rounds youcanbet on. Mostly, it will be atleast nine rounds. So the option will have to appoint five where you can choose if it will go over or below the 9round mark. The odds will be higher for lower rounds due to the chances that the event will happen.
- Rounds grouping; involves placing a wager on the rounds it will take a boxer to finish off an opponent. Some do it within the first rounds, while others do it later in a boxing match. The betting options go in threes, and you can select a win for a preferred fighter in rounds 1-3, 4-6, 7-9, or 10-12.
- Means to win; the option doesnot focus on the fighter orrounds but the match’s method. Boxingmatches can end due to disqualification, KO, or the judges’ decision. Bookmakerswill have specificodds on the options, and you can beton the means that the match will finish. The wagers can either beon theparticular boxer or not, depending on the betting company.
The Strategy
To win inanysports betting, you need a strategy and a piece of background information about the match. Going blindly to place bets cancost you your hard-earned cash. However, skills in boxing are essential for boxers, size and weightmatterin heavyweight fights. Therefore, the stronger and bigger opponent will likely win the bouts. Looking atthe previous performance of a boxer canhelp predict the upcoming event. Check the past fivematches and the quality of opponentso determine the chances afighter hasin a match.
Boxers differin their skills. Thereisthe aggressive type who punch withpower,while those who are less aggressiveand are usually on the defensive. The formeroptionwill likely winthrough KO, while the latter will win via points. Ensure you select the type ofboxer youthink can win.
The Betting Firm
Bettingcompanies differ, and it is vital to select the one youcan trust. Some platforms review the sites, and you can getinsights into the various betting firms. Consider the mainstream companies with the licenses and operating under the regulating authorities in your region
Also, select the firm withvarious options to bet on, and do not forget to check the odds that eachoffers.
Suppose you are a beginner in betting on boxing. In that case, you can consider getting insights from platforms that offer tips on the various events ina match. Study the buildup carefully to know what willlikely happen ina boxing bout. The insights you get will help you beat the bookmakers and earn good moneyon your stakes.