There are three prescription Medigap plans in the United States. These plans were created by the US Federal Government to assist people who suffer from a critical illness or disability that requires a regular dose of medication.
These programs are required to be followed strictly by every adult American citizen above the age of 65 who is suffering from one of the three serious health conditions that the government regards as the medical equivalent of a heart attack, stroke, or cancer. In addition, there are also plans available for senior citizens, children, and mentally retarded people who have been deemed by a doctor to be incapable of managing his or her medications.
There are also a few government-offered plans available for those who are not in a position to afford the premium payments required by the Medigap plans. However, these schemes have a couple of significant disadvantages. For starters, people who do not pay for their Medigap prescriptions through these schemes run the risk of losing their coverage and having it canceled.
The other disadvantage is that the government does not pay any of the costs involved in the process. This means that Medicare, the federal social security program that provides long-term medical care to senior citizens, will cover all the expenses. These two options mean that there are a couple of major problems with these plans.
The primary disadvantage is that many people mistakenly believe that the Medicare supplement plans are all alike. They assume that all Medigap policies provide the same benefits and prescription drug coverage. This is not the case. Most Medigap policies contain differences in the types of benefits covered and the cost of these benefits. Some Medigap supplements plans limit the types of prescription drugs that can be taken while others prohibit the use of any prescription narcotics at all.
In addition to these stipulations, several other factors affect the cost of the Medigap plans. These include the number of pharmacies in a given area and the average cost of medications in that area. Some insurers do charge more than others for the same medications. This is because the cost of providing the service rises when there are more pharmacies within an area. Also, people tend to get discounts based on their prescription history. Insurance companies that have a good reputation often charge higher rates than companies that have a reputation for denying claims and raising rates on older clients.
Another factor affecting the cost of Medigap plans is the types of pharmacies that service the plans. Some insurers limit the types of pharmacies that can service the plan. For example, some policies limit the types of pharmacies that can write prescriptions for brand names. This can increase the cost of the premiums since most people do not take brand names. In addition, some insurers require people to use specific forms of coverage for prescription drug costs, which can also increase the premiums for people who need these services.
To help control the cost of prescription coverage, people should carefully review their health insurance plan options. There is a lot of variety within the plans that offer different levels of coverage for prescription drugs. People should decide what their prescription drug needs are and then research the various options that are available to them within the plan. Most people will be pleasantly surprised to find that the premiums they pay for their Medigap plans are not as high as they once were.